African Women Leaders Network (AWLN) Ghana Chapter hosts its Maiden Awards Ceremony and Fundraising Dinner

As we delve into the heart of AWLN’s mission, we embark on a transformative journey that transcends borders, embraces diversity, and shapes the future of women’s leadership in Africa and beyond.

Despite commendable strides, significant disparities persist.  Women continue to encounter barriers to equitable participation and visibility in business, politics, education, and healthcare, among other fields. The poor showing of women in recent District Assembly elections and Political Parties primary elections indicates the urgent need to step up efforts to address gender widening gender gaps in the country.

 At the same time, it is equally important to recognize the women and men that have shown dedication to gender equality and women’s empowerment in the country. For this reason, AWLN Ghana intends to host a Special Awards Ceremony and Fundraising Dinner, with the President of Ghana, Nana Addo Danquah Akufo Addo, in attendance. 

The event honoured women and men who have made extraordinary contributions to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. It was used to raise funds to support the work of AWLN Ghana, which focuses on promoting gender equality and an all-inclusive society that recognizes and uplifts the contributions of women leaders.

 The ceremony was to :

  • Recognize and celebrate outstanding gender champions
  • Create awareness about the importance of gender diversity and inclusion.
  • Strengthen the network of individuals and organizations committed to advancing women’s leadership.

It was indeed a successful night!

African Women Leaders Network (AWLN) Ghana Chapter Youth Caucus Launches its Youth Parliament

Establishing the Youth Parliament of AWLN Young Women’s Caucus, under the theme, “Raising Voices, Shaping Futures: Empowering Young Women to Drive Change,”marks a significant milestone in our collective efforts to empower young women and advance gender equality. This theme stands as a beacon of empowerment, chosen deliberately to underscore the critical importance of amplifying the voices of young women and empowering them to assume leadership roles with an unwavering commitment to driving meaningful change. In a world where young women’s voices are often marginalized and their potential stifled by systemic barriers, the Young Women’s Parliament emerges as a catalyst for empowerment and advocacy. This event is poised to ignite a new era of leadership and advocacy among young women in Ghana.


The launch of the Youth Parliament is not merely a ceremonial event; it marks the official beginning of an ambitious initiative, driven by the Young Women’s Caucus of AWLN Ghana. It is a call to action, a declaration of intent, and a commitment to accelerating the progress of young women across all spheres of society.

Breakfast and Business!! A breakfast Meeting with Women Champions discussing the current status of women in Ghana

In commemoration of its first anniversary and to mark the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, the chapter organized a breakfast meeting with women leaders.

The Breakfast meeting, which convened all registered members of the Network, was supported by the German Embassy and UN Women. The meeting focused on garnering support for the four priority areas for AWLN Ghana. These were political participation, peace and security, young women’s leadership and financial inclusion.

The breakfast meeting created the needed platform to start national conversations about the situation of women and strategies to address them. The series served as a platform to form strategic partnerships with core group friends and women leaders who were committed to supporting the work of AWLN in diverse ways

African Women Leaders Network (AWLN) Ghana Chapter meets with the German Ambassador

The African Women Leaders (AWLN), Ghana Chapter met with the German Ambassador to Ghana, H.E. Daniel Krull to discuss possible collaborations towards achieving gender equality in Ghana.

The meeting which took place on Thursday, April 13, 2023, discussed, among other issues, the need to increase women’s political participation, with particular emphasis on the 2023 Local Government and the 2024 General Elections.
The meeting also discussed the need to create space for women to participate in peace and security processes.
Many thanks to H.E. Daniel Krull and his Team for hosting us and for his keen interest in the cause of women.
The African Women Leaders Network (AWLN), Ghana Chapter is willing and ready to work with partners to achieve gender equality and women empowerment in Ghana.

Women Lead Forum: 'AfCFTA will thrive on the involvement and participation of women and the youth' - Dr Charity Binka

The Chair of The African Women Leaders Network (AWLN) Ghana Chapter, Dr Charity Binka has called for more involvement of women and youth the activities of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). She was speaking at the 4th Women Lead Forum held in Accra from April 27 -28, 2023. Dr Binka noted that the AfCFTA Secretariat should create an enabling environment for women and the youth be actively engaged in the process.  She was on a panel that discussed “An Inclusive African Trade Agreement, the urgency in accelerating mentorship to placement for women and youth”.

The Forum, which was organised by the Southern Africa Embrace Foundation (SAE), was under the theme, ‘Step it Up for AfCFTA’.   It was supported by the African Continental Free Trade (AfCFTA) Secretariat. Other collaborating organisations were She Forum Africa, Mabasa Minerals, Heather Epilepsy Foundation and David Akwara Films.

The aim of the Forum, among others, was to explore potential and viable opportunities available in investing in youth and women-led businesses and initiatives in Africa through the AfCFTA. It was also meant to identify technical and funding needs and gaps in advancing women and youth leadership and propose pathways for their contribution to the implementation of AfCFTA. The two-day event was attended by delegates from various African countries and the diaspora, who represented various sectors and professions.  

African Women and Youth ‘Step It Up for AfCFTA’ At Women Lead Forum, Accra

The 4th Women Lead Forum was recently held in Accra from April 27 -28, 2023. The two-day Forum was organised by the Southern Africa Embrace Foundation (SAE) under the theme, ‘Step it Up for AfCFTA’.   It was supported by the African Continental Free Trade (AfCFTA) Secretariat. Other collaborating organisations were She Forum Africa, Mabasa Minerals, Heather Epilepsy Foundation and David Akwara Films.

The aim of the Forum, among others, was to explore potential and viable opportunities available in investing in youth and women-led businesses and initiatives in Africa through the AfCFTA. It was also meant to identify technical and funding needs and gaps in advancing women and youth leadership and propose pathways for their contribution to the implementation of AfCFTA. The two-day event was attended by delegates from various African countries and the diaspora, who represented various sectors and professions.  

The first day of the Forum focused on the youth. Several young people from various Ghana and other African countries, including the members of the AWLN Youth Caucus in Ghana were in attendance. Activities on the first day included a high-level plenary session featuring youth leaders and entrepreneurs, key decision makers, a Member of Ghana’s Parliament and a representative of the AfCFTA Secretariat.

The second day, which was the official forum day, featured a high-level opening plenary session, panel discussions, fireside chats, inter-generational dialogues, and a closing call to action.  

Dignitaries from all over Africa were in attendance. Hon. Lariba Zuweira Abudu, Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection and Member of Parliament for Walewale delivered the keynote address. She indicated that the Ghana government is committed to the economic empowerment of women and the youth. According to her, there are various business initiatives targeting women and the youth in Ghana. Other speakers included Hon Nadia Abdalla Ahmed, Fmr Deputy Minister of Youth and ICT, Kenya, and a representative of the AfCFTA Secretariat who also emphasised the need to encourage women and the youth to be involved in the AfCFTA and become drivers of the change they want to see on the continent.

The Forum ended with a call for women and young people to become catalysts for change, to collaborate and support one another. They were also encouraged to participate in the AfCFTA as the key to economic empowerment, leading to the Africa they want to see. As drivers, beneficiaries and the future of the African economy, the youth in particular must rise up and be agents of change in their respective countrie

The AWLN Ghana National Chapter holds first Consultative Meeting to Address the Situation of Women in Ghana in relation to the Six Pillars of AWLN

The African Women Leaders Network, Ghana National Chapter held a virtual Consultative Meeting on 27th June 2023 under the theme: Addressing the Situation of Women in Ghana through the Six Pillars of the African Women Leaders Network. The meeting was the first official engagement between the Chapter, its registered members and the general public since its launch in November 2022. The Consultative Meeting was held to kickstart conversations around the six pillars of the African Women Leaders Network (AWLN). The primary objective was to gather input, and exchange ideas to elevate the situation of women and promote gender equality in various sectors of Ghanaian society.

Over 100 delegates from all over Ghana and some parts of Africa registered to participate in the discussions. Also in attendance were some distinguished speakers including the Chairperson of the AWLN Ghana National Chapter, Dr Charity Binka, a Senior Gender Specialist with the UN Women, Ghana, Ms Afua Ansre and the Special Representative of UN Women to the African Union, Economic Commission for Africa, Ms Awa Ndiaye Seck.

The highlight of the meeting was the breakout session where participants were tasked to discuss and analyse the current situation of women in Ghana under the pillars of AWLN in groups, highlighting the progress made, persistent challenges, and opportunities for improvement. These discussions identified key challenges including gender-based violence, limited access to capital and other business development services, economic disparities, and under-representation of women in leadership and decision-making roles.

Based on the challenges identified, strategies and action plans were developed for each of the six pillars, including initiatives to promote women’s leadership, enhance their participation in peacebuilding and security, increase advocacy for the Affirmative Action Bill in Ghana, foster economic empowerment through entrepreneurship and financial inclusion, and create a cultural shift towards gender equality. The meeting discussed the importance of collaboration between government, civil society organizations, the private sector, and international partners to implement the strategies effectively.

The next steps outlined include the formation of working committees responsible for implementing and monitoring the initiatives under each pillar, capacity-building programs, resource mobilization efforts, and advocacy campaigns to raise awareness and generate support for the AWLN agenda in Ghana.

The AWLN Ghana Consultative Meeting was fruitful, as it adequately served the objectives for which it was convened. The strategies and action plans developed during the meeting will serve as a roadmap for transformative change, with a focus on collaboration and multi-stakeholder engagement.

Empowering Young Women: AWLN Ghana Launches Intergenerational Dialogue Series

The Young Women’s Caucus of the African Women Leaders Network (AWLN), Ghana National Chapter, marked a significant milestone by organizing its inaugural intergenerational dialogue series. Held on June 23, 2023, under the theme “The Past, Present, and Future: The Role of Young Women in Implementing the African Women Leaders Network Agenda,” the event aimed to bridge the generational gap within the AWLN. This dialogue sought to create an inclusive space that encourages young women’s active engagement in discussions regarding the AWLN agenda, fostering their confidence, raising awareness about their potential, and inspiring them to take on leadership roles across the network’s six pillars.

The virtual event featured prominent speakers, including Dr. Charity Binka, Chairperson of the AWLN Ghana National Chapter, Lawyer Adjoa Ago Asante-Asiedu, President of the Young Women’s Caucus, and Ms. Fatou Sombie, Advisor in Women, Peace, and Security at the AU Mission in New York and Coordinator of the AWLN Secretariat. Ms. Sombie’s presentation highlighted the purpose of establishing the Youth Caucus, emphasizing the pivotal role of youth in advancing the AWLN agenda and promoting inclusivity across the African continent.

One of the key moments of the dialogue was an intergenerational panel discussion that explored the significance of offering young women seats at the leadership table. The older generation encouraged youth to leverage their access to social media to seize opportunities while emphasizing the importance of mutual respect between generations. Dr. Charity Binka, Chairperson of the AWLN Ghana Steering Committee, urged young people to build the necessary capacity to maximize the opportunities presented to them.

This intergenerational dialogue served as a platform for meaningful discussions and idea exchange to advance young women’s leadership in Ghana. It generated actionable strategies for addressing the challenges young women face in leadership, economic empowerment, education, health, peace and security, and governance. The event highlighted the immense potential of young women and underscored the importance of empowering them to contribute effectively to the AWLN framework. Moving forward, the focus will be on translating these ideas into concrete actions and collaborations, empowering young women, fostering intergenerational partnerships, and driving positive change within the AWLN framework.

President Nana Akufo-Addo Reaffirms His Commitment to the Passage of the Affirmative Action Law in Ghana

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has reaffirmed his unwavering commitment to working towards the passage of the Affirmative Action Bill into law. President Akufo-Addo expressed his commitment to the passage of the long-awaited bill meeting when a delegation of the African Women Leaders Network (AWLN) Ghana Chapter called on him at the Jubilee House.

The leadership of AWLN was at the Jubilee House to formally introduce the Network to the President and garner his support in addressing critical gender-related issues in the nation, including the need for an Affirmative Active Bill law in Ghana.

Acknowledging the challenges the Bill is likely to face in the current male-dominated Parliament, the President Nana Addo stressed the importance of intense advocacy and cross-party collaboration to facilitate the bill’s passage into law. The President advised AWLN Ghana and other gender related groups to develop effective strategies through dialogue and advocacy to win the cooperation of Parliament to pass the Bill into law when it is tabled in Parliament. 

 The Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Hon. Lariba Zuweira Abudu, on her part, gave the assurance that the Bill was ready to be placed before Parliament. She explained, however, that her Ministry is finalising a new Gender policy that needed to be added to the Bill before it could be sent to Parliament

 Dr Charity Binka, Chairperson of the AWLN Ghana Chapter commended President Akufo-Addo for his exemplary leadership as an advocate for gender equality, his role as the African Union Overall Gender Champion and his significant contributions to gender-related initiatives across Africa.  She noted that Ghana has made some strides in the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment, evident in the appointment of women into high positions such as Chief Justice, two of whom were appointed under the current government. However, AWLN Ghana was concerned about the low representation of women in leadership at both national and local levels. Dr Binka noted that with women’s representation of just 14.5% in Parliament, Ghana is still behind in reaching the UN’s Women’s quota of 30% representation at all levels of decision-making.

Sheila Minkah Premo, Convenor of the Affirmative Action Bill Coalition, who was also present at the meeting, highlighted the importance of the bill with reference to Article 17(4) of the 1992 Constitution. She disclosed that the Coalition and other Civil Society Organisations are having ongoing engagements with Parliament pass the bill into law. She however, emphasised the difference that the President’s influence and support would make in amplifying these efforts.

Present to add their voices to the call for the passage of the bill into law was Mrs. Elizabeth Akpalu, a gender champion in Ghana and Madam Afua Ansre, a senior gender specialist with the UN Women, Ghana. The Presidential Gender Advisor, Dr. Angela Asante-Essah, who was also present at the meeting said her office will work with AWLN Ghana to push the gender agender in Ghana.

An Affirmative Action Law is the most definite way of ensuring women’s adequate representation in Ghana’s decision-making spaces. The strategy has worked in various African countries such as Rwanda, Ethiopia, South Africa, Guinea, Kenya, Senegal, to mention but a few. There is therefore the urgency for Ghana to pass the Affirmative Action Law in order to remedy women’s low participation in political, social and economic decision-making.

An Affirmative Action law will require government to ensure equitable gender representation at all levels. It will apply to the public service, ministerial positions, independent constitutional bodies, boards of state institutions, security services and political parties.

Empowering Women for Transformation: AWLN Ghana Chapter Holds One-Day Planning Meeting and Forum

In a significant stride towards empowering women and driving transformative change in Ghana, the AWLN Ghana Chapter, with support from UNFPA, recently convened a one-day planning meeting. The meeting which was organized under the theme “Empowering Women: Unleashing Potential, Driving Change, The AWLN Perspective,”  brought together approximately 30 participants representing various sectors, including government, civil society, financial institutions, development partners, and the media develop and adopt working plans and strategies that the Network will undertake in the next three years. 

Dr. Charity Binka, Chairperson of the AWLN Ghana Chapter Interim Steering Committee, opened the event with a warm welcome, setting the tone for a day of reflection and empowerment. She shed light on the incredible strides made by the chapter since its inception. Driven by a passion for change, AWLN Ghana has achieved remarkable milestones, including obtaining non-profit status, establishing a bank account, rallying a membership of 100 dedicated individuals, and forging partnerships with 48 organizations spanning the nation. Moreover, the chapter has developed a draft constitution and draft work plan.

Ms. Afua Ansre, a Senior Gender Specialist at UN Women, underscored the significance of collaboration and unity in advancing the cause of women in Ghana. She highlighted the challenges women face in leadership and political participation, with only 14.5% representation of women in parliament. Ms. Ansre emphasized the vital role that organizations like AWLN play in achieving gender equality and promoting women’s economic empowerment.
A key presentation by Ms. Sheila Minka-Premo, an AWLN Ghana ISC member, shed light on the Affirmative Action Bill (AAB) in Ghana. Ms. Minka-Premo articulated how the AAB, aiming for a minimum of 30% female representation in governance, can serve as a catalyst for women’s leadership. Despite ongoing delays in the bill’s passage, it remains a vital step toward gender equality in the country.

The heart of the event lay in the group discussions where participants explored strategies to address the current situation of women in Ghana. Key among these were the need for heightened advocacy for the AAB, the transfer of inter-generational knowledge, and the urgent need for strategies to enhance awareness of impending district-level elections. 

AWLN Ghana’s journey is a testament to its unwavering commitment to empower women, cultivate collaboration, and advocate for positive change. 

AWLN Ghana Young Women's Caucus: Igniting Change and Empowering Young Women for the Future

The African Women Leaders Network (AWLN) Ghana Chapter, in collaboration with UNFPA, convened a forum and planning meeting on September 7, 2023, at the Alisa Hotel in Accra, with the theme “Ignite, Empower, Lead: Young Women Shaping Ghana’s Future.” The meeting aimed to harness the potential of young women to address gender-related issues in the country, drawing approximately 30 participants from diverse backgrounds. Focusing on three key pillars of AWLN—Political Participation, Financial Inclusion, and Peace and Security—the forum provided a strategic platform for young women to plan and strategize for positive changes in Ghana.

The meeting was graced by personalities such as Dr. Charity Binka, Chair of AWLN Ghana National Chapter, and Ms. Afua Ansre, Senior Gender Specialist at UN Women. It also featured group discussions on key topics such as women’s political participation, financial inclusion, and peace and security. The outcomes of the discussions will form the basis of a three-year plan of action for the caucus in advancing the AWLN agenda in Ghana.

In closing, participants expressed their commitment to working together, leveraging each other’s skills, and building on the foundation laid by AWLN Ghana’s older generation. Dr. Charity Binka and the AWLN Ghana leadership also pledged their support to ensuring the successful implementation of the proposed initiatives. 




As the global community observes the International Day of Peace today, September 21, 2023, under the theme: “Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals,” the African Women Leaders Network (AWLN), Ghana National Chapter, is appealing to African leaders to involve more women in the peace-building processes in Africa. The Network believes that the world be a more peace world if more women are involved in peace processes. In a statement signed by the Chair of the Network, Dr Charity Binka, the Network noted with concern, the conflicts particularly in the West African Countries, many of whom are currently under military rule.

The statement pointed that political instability, violence, and insecurity have profound and often disproportionate impact on women and children, who are particularly vulnerable during times of conflict and political upheaval. Unfortunately, women continue to be absent from conflict prevention, mediation and peace processes. decision making. Women, the statement noted embody the essence of resilience, determination, and untapped potential, particularly in Africa. “Their capabilities extend far beyond traditional roles, as they stand as architects of peace and agents of change”, the statement stressed.

AWLN believes that by providing more women opportunities to actively participate in peace-building initiatives they can bring fresh perspectives and innovative strategies to solving the conflicts on the continent of African and the world at large. Women also bring a deeper understanding of the unique challenges they faced during times of conflict.

AWLN notes that despite several UN Security Council resolutions on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) shows the importance it attaches to the issue. However, the women’s engagement in peace-building processes has remained below 15% despite the numerous resolutions.

As the world marks the mid-point in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, AWLN calls for the inclusion of many more actors, including women and the youth, in the fight for a violent free society. Without the buy-in and contribution of a wide range of actors, the goals will not be achieved, the statement.

The statement explained that one of the pillars on which AWLN is anchored is Peace and Security. It is therefore calling on African governments to take the following actions:

  1. Create more opportunities for women to assume leadership roles in peace negotiations, governmental bodies, and civil society organisations.
  2. To enact policies that promote gender equality and women’s participation in peace processes, as well as ensuring these policies are implemented effectively.
  3. Provide training and resources to women in conflict-affected regions to enhance their skills in conflict resolution, negotiation, and peacebuilding

Africa cannot have peace without the inclusion of women in the peace-building processes. It is time to join hands in the pursuit of a better, more peaceful, and sustainable future for our global community!!!!!!!


African Women Leaders Network is a transformative movement and a powerful platform, that was launched in New York in June 2017. It is a joint initiative launched of the UN and AU which seeks to unite pan-African women leaders in their collective endeavours to create a more equitable Continent that aligns with the ideals of Agenda 2063 of the Africa We Want. The Network is anchored on six pillars including Political Participation, Peace and Security, Financial Inclusion, Young Women Leadership, Empowering Rural Women, and Social Mobilization. The Ghana chapter was launched on November 2022 as the 31st Chapter of the Network.




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